Day ???

chance to change your lifeSadly, and obviously I have fallen off the #21DayFixExtreme wagon ): I was so sure I could do it this time and yet again, I failed. /: However, I will start tomorrow back on track-ish, as in, I will cook and eat my healthy foods but not so strictly that I give in all hard to my cravings. And once I receive the first step to #21DFX, which is the original 21 day fix.. I’m waiting for shipment, then I will start with the original program and work my way up to the EXTREME version. Maybe making my circumstances less extreme will help me conquer my inability to complete one fucking fitness program..  sorry /: I’m just disappointed AGAIN in myself. It sucks.

I stopped working out literally for one day and literally domino affected myself. the eating went to shit and I skipped today too now /: So I definitely have to do some type of workout tomorrow.. because rule #3: you don’t go 3 days without working out!


1. Learn healthy pasta sauces

2. Learn how to make zoodles and squash noodles lol

3. Clear out bathtub and bathroom

4. Set up new bathroom routine

5. Serious room makeover! MUST.

6. Stay true to my clean eating at 80% until #21DayFix arrives

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